Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

The Reason Why You Should Fast Before Operation

In addition to worship, Fasting is also a lot of its benefits. In medical terms Fasting is mandatory for patients who will run the operation. For the wondering, Why fasting Before Operation, you will be get the answer in the following Video , Check this Out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvSHplpeS_k

Hopefully useful and Thank you for visiting

Jumat, 22 Desember 2017

Food Review


thisi is Taiwan street Snacks Perhaps many do not know whether this food is in Pontianak, Sumo Squid is a snack made from squid and wheat flour and enhancer flavored, and most delicious when eating with special cheese sauce made there.

In Pontianak, this Sumo Squid shop or tavern can be visited on Jalan Urip Pontianak. And Sumo Squid not only can offer squid only, there we can order with chicken basic ingredients as well, and it tastes no less delicious with squid.

To taste, Sumo Squid seems familiar to me, but when I try one bite, then I unwittingly eat it, though a bit salty in my opinion, but I still eat it until it runs out. ^o^ LoL

They are open from 10 am to 10 pm and the price for 1 pcs is from Rp 25,000. to Rp 30,000.

you will lose if you have not tried it !!

that's my review of Sumo squid, hopefully useful and add your snack menu in this beloved pontianak city, See you in next post .. Bye \ (^ - ^) /


Setting : In the afternoon, At cinema xxi
Situation : Ilham and Varrel Meet at Cinema  chat for a while

Ilham : Hai Varrel , what are  doing here ?

Varrel : Oh ilham , I just bought 2 tickets to watch with my Girlfriend tonight

Ilham : what movie will you watch ?

Varrel : I will watch “ DILAN 1990”

Ilham : Why did you choose that movie , I think there are still a lot of good movies here

Varrel Actually this is not my choice, my Girlfriend  invite me to watch this movie..

Ilham : when will this movie start?

Varrel : At 8 pm, and by the way, what r doing here ?

Ilham :  I'm waiting for my friend, she's still on the way

Varrel :  are you gonna watch with her ?

Ilham :  yes, we will

Varrel : what movie will you watch?

Ilham : we will watching a comedy movie that my friend really like

Varrel :  while waiting for your friend, why do not we sit there

Ilham : sounds good !

* to the chair, then sit down

Varrel : so .. who are your friends this? what is your good friend ?

Ilham :  yes, she's a good friend that I know since vocational school

Varrel : why you make her be your best friend ?

Iham  : Because as long as we are friends, we never quarrel and we have fun together

Varrel : Did you have fun together? Like what ?

Ilham : we've been on vacation somewhere

Varrel : just you and her ??? only two of you !!??

Ilham :  no, we are a class study tour

Varrel :  where did you go ?

Ilham : We went to Pulau Lemukutan, a lot of natural beauty that is there

Varrel : wow would be nice

Ilham : Yeah that’s right ! have you ever been there?

Varrel : I have not thought to travel or take a vacation, because there is an ambition I have to reach 
next year

Ilham : What is that ?

Varrel :  I want to focus on studying so that I can study in jogja, Department of Architect according to my ideals

Ilham : So what about your college that you currently live?

Varrel :  if I fail, I will continue this course

Ilham : Well Good luck bro

Varrel : yes , thank you

*ilham mengecek HP

Ilham : My friend has come, and she's headed here

Varrel : really, have you bought food to watch later?

Ilham : not yet, i forgot, do you have any suggestion ?

Varrel :well I suggest you should buy popcorn caramel before watching

Ilham : why ?

Varrel : it's my favorite food while watching a movie, and that taste really good, you gotta try

Ilham : well, that's a good suggestion, oh my friend over there

Varrel : ok, go see her, see you later at Amcor on Friday night

Ilham : ok , Bye \(^-^)/

Senin, 20 November 2017

My best friends

Best Friends

BestFriends are my second family, they are the places to tell what we feel, sad, angry, and happy. Not only that they are always there when we need them.

This is my best friend,

This photo consists of me, Tommy, Suhandi, Devin, Willi, William


When do I meet them?
The first time I met them at Vocational High School in 2013 and we were in the same department of Marketing. Devin, Wiliam, and Tommy are classes with me. Wili and suhandi in different classes ..

Why can I make friends with them?
Because we have the same Hobby where we love to play games. After finishing school we often spend time playing games.

It's been 4 years and Until now we still often meet, at least once a week. Playing games is a great thing for us. Although different religions / tribes, that's no reason not to be friends with them, if you feel happy and comfortable, why not.

And that's a short story about my best friend, thank you and meet again at the next post, bye \ (^ _ ^) /

Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Impact of Too Long Playing smarthphone

Hi, this time i want to share to you guys about the impact of too long playing smartphone, let's find out here https://youtu.be/oYMt-EBU9Sc

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017



 When talking about dreams Many dreams I dreamed of, when I was a kid I want to be a  national football team goalkeeper in Indonesia, every time playing soccer with friends, I  always be a goalkeeper because I can only catch the ball and can not be in other positions  L and I also want to be a Doctor Because this is a noble job.

Something I have accomplished is I have bought a laptop that since high school I want, Alhamdulillah I bought it with my own pocket money, why laptop, because at this time laptop is the need of all students, I postpone my college because I do not Have laptop, I think if I do not have a laptop how I can finish my homework later, although now I know there are many other ways to solve that problem. 

Maybe every human must have dreams and goals of each life, because if not, how can live   life?
     But in fact this time I myself still do not know what my dream or my true ideals, I do not have Talent, I just flow like water, my life feels boring, doing the same activities that are repeated every day. I'm a pessimist, but I'm realistic.

But I am grateful for what God has given me. The ambition I want to achieve right now is that I must be able to finish my college at my own expense, so that my parents are not  burdened with it.

I hope after finish college I become a better person, and apply all the knowledge I've got there and become a useful person for others.

Thank you for visiting this short post,it is  just my current ambition, and there are still many ambitions I want to achieve in the future, but this is the first thing I share, thank you and see you again in the next post \ (^ - ^) /

Kamis, 28 September 2017

It's not just a picture


  1. Regulation on the main light of motorcycles during the day

Location : JL.Ahmad Yani,Pontianak, WestBorneo

English  :

There must be some bikers who think "why do we have to keep turning on the headlight during the day, it's a waste ..." yes I also thinking like that. but do you know that the regulation can reduce the number of traffic accidents, especially motorcycles in each year. from the information I get, motor users who turn on the main lights in Surabaya can reduce the number of accidents up to 50%.
          And do you know, if we do not turn on the light in the day can be in criminal law also . Criminal sanctions for any person who drives a motorcycle on the road without turning on the headlight at noon in Article 107 paragraph (2) of the LLAJ Law pursuant to Article 293 paragraph (2) of the LLAJ Law shall be a maximum imprisonment of 15 (fifteen) days or a fine of at most Rp100.000,00 (one hundred thousand rupiah).
So obey every rule there, because every rule that is violated there must be consequences.

Indonesia :

          Pasti ada beberapa pengendara motor yang berpikir "kenapa sih  kita harus tetap menyalakan lampu utama di siang hari , ini kan pemborosan  ... " ya saya juga sebelum nya berpikir seperti itu . tapi tahu kah kalian bahwa peraturan tersebut dapat menekan \ mengurangi angka kecelakaan lalu lintas khususnya sepeda motor  di setiap tahun nya . dari informasi yang saya dapat,  pengguna motor yang menyalakan lampu utama di Surabaya mampu mengurangi angka kecelakan hingga 50%.
          Dan tahu kah kalian , jika kita tidak menyalakan lampu disiang hari dapat di hukum Pidana juga loh.  Sanksi pidana bagi setiap orang yang mengemudikan sepeda motor di jalan tanpa menyalakan lampu utama pada siang hari yang ada pada Pasal 107 ayat (2) UU LLAJ berdasarkan Pasal 293 ayat (2) UU LLAJ adalah pidana kurungan paling lama 15 (lima belas) hari atau denda paling banyak Rp100.000,00 (seratus ribu rupiah).
Jadi taati lah setiap peraturan yang ada , karena setiap peraturan yang dilanggar pasti ada konsekuensinya .

2. Traffic Violator.

Location : JL Gajah mada , Pontianak, West boneo.

English :

Safety in driving is something that every motor rider should pay attention to.

For motorcyclists, Law No. 22 of 2009 on traffic and road transport has stipulated that every driver and his passengers are required to use Helmets in accordance with Indonesian national standards.

if breaking the above rules will be subject to a fine of at most Rp250.000,00.

Not only that, the rider who let his driver do not use a helmet can also be caught in criminal and similar penalties.

 Using a helmet is not just obeying the rules, but appreciate your brain, unless you do not have one.

Indonesia :

Keselamatan dalam berkendara adalah sesuatu yang harus diperhatikan setiap pengendara motor. Bagi pengendara sepeda motor, UU No. 22 tahun 2009 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan telah menetapkan bahwa setiap pengemudi dan penumpangnya diharuskan menggunakan Helm sesuai dengan standar nasional Indonesia. Jika melanggar peraturan di atas akan dikenakan denda paling banyak Rp250.000,00. Tak hanya itu, pengendara yang membiarkan supirnya tidak menggunakan helm juga bisa tertangkap dalam tindak pidana dan hukuman serupa. Menggunakan helm tidak hanya mematuhi peraturan, tapi menghargai otak Anda, kecuali jika Anda tidak memilikinya.


Location : JL.Rahadi Usman, Pontianak City, West borneo

English :

Taman Tugu Pancasila is a Replacement Monument from Tugu Korban agresi jepang . The monument with the symbol of the eagle Pancasila is built to commemorate the freedom fighters who have fallen

Indonesia :

Taman Tugu Pancasila adalah Tugu Pengganti dari Tugu Korban Agresi Jepang. Tugu dengan lambang garuda pancasila ini di bangun untuk mengenang para pejuang kemerdekaan yang telah gugur

4. New Alma mater.
According to Wikipedia, the Almamater is a Latin term that literally means "ibu susuan." The use of this term is very popular among academics / education to refer to a college where one completes education.

But many people think the alma mater is Suit identity lectures.

Precisely on 28 September 2017 all new students PPAPK (night) faculty of Economics and Business University of Tanjung Pura has received a new Almamater.

My friends are very happy to receive alma mater suits, they also have photos to capture the moment.
Indonesia :

Menurut Wikipedia Almamater adalah istilah Latin yang secara harfiah berarti "ibu susuan." Penggunaan istilah ini sangat populer di kalangan akademisi / pendidikan untuk merujuk ke perguruan tinggi dimana seseorang menyelesaikan pendidikan.

Tetapi banyak orang beranggapan almamater adalah Jas identitas perkuliahan .

Tepatnya pada tanggal 28 september 2017 semua mahasiswa baru PPAPK (malam) fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Tanjung pura telah merima Almamater baru .

Teman teman saya sangat senang saat menerima jas almamater tersebut , mereka juga sempat berfoto untuk mengabadikan momen tersebut.

That's just a photo that i can share to you,hopefully useful and hopefully you take a positive from this post , see you in he next post, thank you (^_^)/