Senin, 20 November 2017

My best friends

Best Friends

BestFriends are my second family, they are the places to tell what we feel, sad, angry, and happy. Not only that they are always there when we need them.

This is my best friend,

This photo consists of me, Tommy, Suhandi, Devin, Willi, William


When do I meet them?
The first time I met them at Vocational High School in 2013 and we were in the same department of Marketing. Devin, Wiliam, and Tommy are classes with me. Wili and suhandi in different classes ..

Why can I make friends with them?
Because we have the same Hobby where we love to play games. After finishing school we often spend time playing games.

It's been 4 years and Until now we still often meet, at least once a week. Playing games is a great thing for us. Although different religions / tribes, that's no reason not to be friends with them, if you feel happy and comfortable, why not.

And that's a short story about my best friend, thank you and meet again at the next post, bye \ (^ _ ^) /